Bed & Breakfast

Tailored Insurance specific to Bed & Breakfast Operators

Town Basin

Bed & Breakfast Insurance

Adams Trimmer offers a Bed and Breakfast package. The Underwriter for the scheme is NZI (a division of IAG NZ Ltd). NZI has strong financial security and backing with representation throughout the country.

The policy covers your home and contents and in addition has some special features not normally covered under these types of policies. Operating a business from your home can void cover under a home or contents insurance policy. This insurance would acknowledge your business operations as a Bed & Breakfast.

Features include:

House & Contents

Loss of income

Liability Insurance

With continuing changes in Legislation people are being confronted with Liabilities and legal exposures not previously faced. We are able to offer the following covers.

Covers your liability in respect to damage to third party property. It has been extended to cover your responsibility under the Innkeepers Act for loss or damage to guest’s property including money. Also included is cover for Exemplary and Punitive damages for Bodily injury.

Cover is for fines imposed by a New Zealand Court that you may be liable to pay. It also covers all legal costs and expenses you may incur in defending an action.

Liability Notes

The Innkeepers Act applies to all hosts who take paying guests. Basically this means that hosts are legally liable if guests’ property is lost or damaged (negligence or fault does not have to be proved); but hosts’ liability under the Law is restricted to a maximum of $300 per item or $1200 in aggregate unless guests can prove the hosts were negligent or acted wilfully, when it can be much more. It is not enough for hosts to merely advise the insurance company that they take paying guests. They need to request that their liability under the Innkeepers Act be covered under their Public Liability insurance.

Public Liability Insurance is a must, and hosts need to be insured under all sections to ensure they are covered for legal liability for third party property damage or bodily injury and also Statutory liability covering innocent breaches of certain Acts such as Resource Management Act, Building Act, Privacy Act, Fair Trading Act, and Consumer Guarantees Act, as well as for Fines and Legal Defence Costs, Exemplary and Punitive Damages, Rural and Forest Fires, etc where appropriate.

Important Note

The above information is intended only as an outline of the cover available under this insurance. For full particulars you should look at the policy wording. A copy of this is available upon request.

Contact Us

To see whether Adams Trimmer can assist with your Bed & Breakfast Insurance policy, please fill out the below Contact Us section and a staff member will be in contact in the near future

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